Budget accommodation option in Bratislava

We would like to bring to your attention one of the options for budget accommodation in Bratislava during the ICQC 2023 congress. Druzba Hotel is one of the Comenius University facilities located right next to the Botanical garden and the Danube river.
The hotel offers the capacity of 30 single rooms for 35 EUR/night and 30 double rooms for 50 EUR/night. The organizers of ICQC 2023 negotiated a preliminary reservation of these capacities for the conference participants. You can find more information and make a reservation HERE. Please, use the message box to enter the password ICQC2023 – the hotel will check against the list of registered participants.
Breakfast is not included but you will be able to buy some in the Druzba cantina. There is also a free parking available for hotel guests, as well as a free wifi connection.